Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It's amazing how we are sometimes controlled by others. Not only physically, but emotionally. 

What is the one thing you have always wanted to do and never did because of people's opinions or disparaging remarks? 

When we are young, we have our parents to tell us what is right or wrong, or tell us what we must or must not do.  Well, we are beyond that now  We are grown ups and should be able to decide what we want to do with our lives. That's all well and good, but as we get older we are afraid to make a change and sometimes we ask others for their advice.  We think it is a method of security to ask others if we should do something or not, but it can be discouraging and a real downer.

I had always wanted to go to college.  My parents were able to afford it, but back in the 50's it wasn't stressed as much as it is now. Especially for women, college wasn't stressed, or if you did go, they figured you would be married at a young age, have a family and your college education would go to the wayside.  I never fought or persisted the idea of going to college.  It was different then.  Now, of course, college is encouraged for women and men.  I did well even though I didn't go to college, working in an office with a few business courses under my belt, but it wasn't what I really wanted to do.

One of my goals was to learn Italian.  I am presently taking a course now.  It's not easy, especially when you get older to retain what you learn. However, I am sticking with my guns and I am determined to learn Italian. My dad was born in Sicily, and I always promised him I would eventually learn Italian and I will.  I am only sorry that he isn't around to hear me speak his native tongue.

Instead of going to college, I worked for a while, met my husband of 43 years, and had three children and three grandchildren.  I wouldn't trade them for the world.  They are a major part of my life. I started to paint again, which was also one of my earlier goals, after my youngest daughter and son left the nest.  I had all those rooms in the house that were empty. One of them had to be a studio...for moi.  I started painting with watercolor and also began my business shortly thereafter. 

I am now writing books--women's fiction.  Writing is one of the next goals I had set for myself and I am enjoying this more than anything else. My books are here to encourage women to follow their dreams and not be discouraged no matter what anyone says. 

You are the master!
You control your desires!
Go out there and find what you left behind many years ago! 

Maybe you would like to extend your education, loss weight, travel, learn a language, open a business, or just get in touch with someone you haven't seen in a while or someone you have drifted apart from.  This is the time to do it...don't wait and say I should have, could have. Do It!  You will be a better person for making up your own mind.  You will feel good about yourself. And others will admire you. You will certainly get a boost of self-confidence. After all, don't all people, young or old, need a boost once in a while?

Books Written by Jacqueline Coote - http://www.amazon.com/Jacqueline-Coote/e/B00D3KD9ZM/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1403031369&sr=1-1

Only 60+ You Go Girl
Hidden Memories
Tea Can Wait
Meeting By Chance
Encouragement On The Go
A Different Style
Garden Of Reflection

Would love comments: Email: jackie@impressionsbyjackie.com